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Discovering how the brain

makes and takes action


June 2024

New Article

A ventral pallidal-thalamocortical circuit mediates the cognitive control of instrumental action

Beatrice K. Leung, Billy Chieng, Serena Becchi, Bernard W. Balleine

Current Biology

April 2024

New Book Chapter

Prefrontal Control of Actions and Habits

Karly Turner

Habits: Their Definition, Neurobiology, and Role in Addiction (pp. 169-189): Springer International Publishing

March 2024

New Article

What role does striatal dopamine play in goal-directed action?

Genevra Hart, Thomas J. Burton & Bernard W. Balleine

Neuroscience, 546, 20-32


Decision Neuroscience Laboratory

The University of New South Wales

School of Psychology

Sydney, NSW 2052



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